Saturday, March 7, 2009

Person of the Decade(2000-09)

We are on the Finale on the First Decade of the 21st Century. between nations, catastrophes,Man Made calamities are among the top stories that engolf the Whole decade. Individuals and Personalities were Involve some were worth remembering, others were not, Some Personalities Made a gigantic turn around on their chosen career w/c Influence the whole Universe. Intensity, Charisma Coupled with Success on Their Endeavor constitute Greatness. Mastery on their chosen field also Lead to greatness. now it is time to ponder "Whom Do You Think This Person Is." A Man Worth to Become "PERSON OF THE DECADE"

here is the List for "Person of the Decade(2000-2009)

1. Pope benedict XVl
2. U.S. President barrack Obama
3. Former U.S. President George W. Bush
4.Philippine Boxing icon Manny Paquiao
5. Philippine President Gloria M.Arroyo
6.Hollywood star Tom Cruise
7. Al-qaeda leader osama Bin Laden
8.U.S. Olympian Swimming Sensation Michael Phelps
9.Microsoft founder Bill Gates

Take your Pick......................

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