Sunday, March 15, 2009

List of Newspaper Collections

This is My List of Newspaper Collection Around the World

Macao Daily News- Macao,China
Pacific Sunday News- Guam, USA
Shanghai Evening Post- Shanghai, China
The Daily Albayan-United Arab Emerates
7Days-Dubai, UAE
The Saudi Gazette- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The USA Today And The New York & washington Post
The Seattle Times- Seattle, Washington, USA
The Straits Times- Singapore
La Republica-Italy
Qatas News-Australia
Metro,Times,& Daily-Mail- United Kingdom
Algemeen Dagblad-The Netherlands
Hongkong International
3kcnpecc ra3eta-Russia
Thailand Newspaper
The San Juan Star- Puerto Rico
El universo-ecuador
Frankfurter rundschau- Denmark
The Daily telegraph-United Kingdom
The Economic Times- Mumbai, India
STAR(The People's paper), & Nangoku Shimbun- Malaysia

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